Friday, September 9, 2016

Classwork: All vocab maps for Chapter 2 are due.  Class time was given at the beginning:
  1. climate
  2. economic activity
  3. landform
  4. physical features
  5. population density
  6. region
  7. thematic map
  8. vegetation
We read and discussed economic activity today and the idea of region.  This chapter will conclude Monday, then we will test.

Homework:  Discuss with parents ECONOMIC ACTIVITY.  What is it?

Thursday September 8, 2016

Classwork:  We finished the Act it Outs for climate zone news reports.  We also read the next two sections and discussed Population Density and Vegetation Zones.  Words you need to know:
  • arid
  • tropical
  • humid
Homework:  Discuss with parents the difference of climate vs. weather, the two important characteristics of weather, and how to read a climagraph. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Classwork: We will continue work on the climate zones of the world, understanding how a climagraph works, what makes up weather and climate, and do charades of various climates.

Homework: Tell your parents what you and your group performed today for a climate zone.

September 6, 2016

Classwork: After a restful labor day weekend, we reviewed 28-29, landforms and started climate zones on pages 30-31. 

Homework: Tell your parents one or two new climate zones you learned.  Know the difference between climate and weather.  What is precipitation?