Thursday, February 9, 2017

Feb 9, 2017

Classwork:  We moved into the idea of human sacrifice in the Aztec culture and looked at a Primary Source picture depicting a human sacrifice.  Discussion centered on:
  1. Why would they believe in such a thing?
  2. What was the nature of their religious beliefs?
  3. Are there things you've seen in movies, books, or experiences you've had in your own religious life that might connect conceptually with what we discussed?  (*The belief in the power of blood to influence things.)

Homework:  If you wish to discuss with your parents, by all means!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

February 8, 2017

Classwork:  We started Day 2 of the Aztec Empire.  Kids finished comprehension questions and vocab from the book.  Today we started the PowerPoint.  Discussion centered around a primary source image of the 15th century.  It depicted highlights of Aztec Life:

  • sacrifice
  • warriors and combat
  • religious beliefs like the symbol of the eagle and the cactus
Homework:  Discuss the image you saw today with your parents.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Feb 7, 2017

Tuesday Feb 7, 2017

Classwork: Today, students will read pages 210-213 and discuss the reading.  They will finish the vocab and reading comprehension questions. 


  1. chinampas
  2. specialize
  3. empire
  4. tribute
  5. Tenochtitlan
Reading questions:
1. Why were the chinampas important to the Aztecs?
2. Why were some of the Aztecs able to specialize?
3. How were the Aztecs able to enlarge their empire?
4. Thinking Skill: Imagine that your area has just been conquered by the Aztecs.  What do you predict the Aztecs will demand from your people?

Homework: If students do not finish the above in class, it is homework to be done on Google Classroom. 

Feb 6, 2017

Classwork:  All stations were completed along with the Inca quiz.  We started the Aztec Civilization with a origin myth.  It was gruesome.  It also explained how the Aztecs come to Tenochtilan

Homework:  Students should be able to tell parents what Tenochtitlan is.

Feb 3, 2017

Classwork: Make an analogy or comparison of something you belong to in real life like a club, organization, or team, and compare it with life in the Inca Empire.  Start with a drawing and a prompt like this:

Life in the Inca Empire was like...

Homework: Discuss with parents your comparison

Feb 2, 2017

Classwork: Work on all Inca Stations and make sure to apply Universals of Culture to the Achievements of the Inca

Homework:  Discuss what a Universal of Culture is

Feb 1, 2017

Classwork: Continue work on Inca stations

homework:  Finish up any unfinished work on Inca Stations