Friday, March 17, 2017

March 17, 2017


D.O.G. March 17, 2017

1. This common ladies name is the capital of Bulgaria.

2. What is the capital of New York?  New York City or Albany?

We took the writing assessment: Which Source would you choose to answer the question of How did Montezuma die?  You have to explain which source and why? 

Homework:  Discuss your answer with your parents.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

March 16, 2017 Thursday

Classwork: Today was final day of the discussion of the Aztecs being conquered by the Spanish.  We discussed Scene 4, watched a movie sequence, read PRIMARY sources from the Spanish and Aztecs, and compared them. 

Homework: IF the EXPLORER CHART is NOT DONE, IT HAS TO BE DONE FOR HOMEWORK OTHEWISE STUDENT WILL SERVE LUNCH DETENTION.  If it is done, please describe the circumstances of the conquest of the Aztecs to your parents.  What was the role of religion in conquering the Aztecs?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 15, 2017 Wednesday

Classwork: We discussed Scene 3 of the Conquest of the Aztecs.  This was the most important difference between the two perspectives of Spanish vs. Aztecs.  The difference centered around Who killed Montezuma?

Homework:  You must be finished with the EXPLORER CHART. IF NOT IT IS HOMEWORK.

March 14, 2017 Tuesday

Classwork: We discussed Scene 2 of the Conquest of the Aztecs.  This scene was how Montezuma met Cortes. We read out loud the primary sources of the Aztecs and the Spaniards.

Homework: Did you notice any difference in the two perspectives?

March 13, 2007 Monday

Classwork:  We did Scene 1 of the Aztec Conquest.  This scene chronicled the arrival of Hernan Cortes to Mexico.  We watched a small BBC video called Heroes and Villains for a dramatization.

Homework:  Discuss the three goals of Hernan Cortes and all conquistadors.