Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday October 26, 2016

Classwork: We implemented a new Breathing Technique for our Golden Moment. "Breathing in, I feel good. Breathing out, I feel relaxed."

We did the Preamble Game again and tried to beat scores from other classes.  We also went over the meaning of the statements in 17 parts:

  1. We the People,
  2. of the United States 
  3. in order to form
  4. a more perfect union
  5. establish justice
  6. insure domestic tranquility
  7. provide for the common defense
  8. promote the general welfare
  9. and secure the blessings
  10. of liberty
  11. to ourselves
  12. and our posterity
  13. do ordain
  14. and establish
  15. this Constitution
  16. for the United States
  17. of America
Then we finished by completing our Vocab Maps on the Amazon Rainforest in Google Classroom
Essential Vocab:
carbon oxygen cycle
sustainable development
tropical rainforest
indigenous peoples

Homework:  Discuss with your parents any or all of these things. You should be able to explain all of the Vocab words.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday October 24, 2016

Classwork:  We introduced the Amazon Rainforest Unit.  We started with a quick review of Latin America in general and looked at pictures of the Rainforest prior to 1992 and more recent ones. 

Homework: Discuss and possibly look up any type of habitat loss you find interesting.